How Color Influences What We Buy

Carmel Valley San Diego Community | Robin Edwards | Color and Pictures ChartIt’s that annoying realization: “Wait, did I really just buy that because of the cool packaging or because I like that color?”  Chances are yes, you just did.  You just got color-fooled.  But don’t worry, it was no simple trick, scores of psychologists have been at work setting up these intricate, appealing traps for decades.  We are a very visually oriented species.  The majority (85%) of shoppers place color alone as the primary reason for buying a particular product.


Visual stimuli come in a variety of different forms.  Online shopping brings our eyes into a whole new arena.  Here is some interesting data on how we choose what we buy..


Knowing this info might make you think twice when buying a specific item or article of clothing.  Choose wisely and if you would like some tips on what colors work best for you, give me a shout!!


Carmel Valley San Diego Community | Robin Edwards | Men's Fashion CornerAs Founder and Executive Director of Suit UrSelf, Robin grew up near the garment district in NY where she first discovered her passion for color and design.  She has been living in San Diego for over 25 years raising her family in the Penasquitos Canyon area.

Robin also founded Pacific Business Promotions, where she worked with many local and national companies including Ligand Pharmaceuticals, Downey Savings and Hendrick Motorsports, to create corporate apparel programs as well as working with non profits such as American Cancer Society and American Red Cross to promote and fundraise with them thru the use of media, promotional marketing and brand awareness.

Spending much of her career in the financial, business and adverting arenas, Robin knows first hand how wardrobe choices and personal style make a significant impact in how clients and colleagues perceive you and more importantly, how you project and feel about yourself in both business and in your personal life.


Carmel Valley San Diego Community | RIDE Cyclery Encinitas

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