Pacific Highlands Farmers Market: Grow, Eat and Enjoy!!!

Great cooking always starts with great ingredients and now Carmel Valley residents can pick up some locally grown fresh fruits, vegetables and other assorted goods at the Pacific Highlands Farmers Market.  The Farmers Market, held at Canyon Crest Academy, is now open every Thursday from 3:30pm – 7:00 pm and is already becoming a community favorite.  With the grand opening taking place just last week, tons of Carmel Valley residents headed down to the Canyon Crest Academy campus to check out all the goodies being offered.  The Pacific Highlands Farmers Market is a certified organic farmers market, and residents can find everything from fresh fruits and vegetables to fish, cheese and fresh from the farm beef.  In addition, there are vendors that sell bakery items, olive oil and specialty sauces, as well as rotating food trucks where residents can delight their taste buds.  Please continue reading below…

The Pacific Highlands Farmers Market is a great place for the whole community to enjoy, as it truly offers something special for everyone.  Families can browse up and down the aisles looking at all the different products, trying samples of all the delicious food, and even scope out some chic clothes and jewelry to add to their collection.  With the amazing food court offering everything from gyros to cupcakes, no one will leave to home hungry, but everyone will leave satisfied.  No matter where you wander, you will not be able to escape the delectable aromas floating throughout the air.

Proceeds from the market actually benefit the Canyon Crest Academy Foundation, making it even more of an incentive to visit.  Canyon Crest Academy student Lauren Barth even created the new logo for the Farmer’s Market, bridging the gap between students and their communities.  So be sure to stop by next Thursday, as every week additional vendors are added to the lineup!! You won’t want to miss it!

For more information about the Pacific Highlands Farmers Market, like them on Facebook at



Carmel Valley San Diego Community | David A Moya | Founder

David A. Moya is a Carmel Valley San Diego community contributor and influencer for positive change.  As founder of The Carmel Valley Life he focuses on education, transparency and helping others find a voice for their passion.  During his earlier years, he fed his entrepreneurial spirit and founded a company focused on helping kids committed to peak performance.  David went on to pay for his BA in Finance through his real estate business and after graduating flew more than 30 flights to over 10 countries in order to master the art of communication and business.  Today, he enjoys creating value for his community by leading a movement of responsibility – one of sharing knowledge, stories and a helping hand.


Carmel Valley San Diego Community | RIDE Cyclery Encinitas

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