A One Hour Workout is 4% of your day – No Excuses!!!

Carmel Valley San Diego Community | Amy Mewborn | Lorna JaneHow true!!! I am so guilty of this.  On days that I don’t teach or get up and go take a class immediately, I get busy in my computer – sitting on my bootie.   And despite my best intentions, I never get my own workout in.

Why????  I LOVE barre!  I own two studios and can choose the instructor that I want to take and the location I want to attend.  And since I chose my instructors – so I feel like I have some of the best – right???  So I should be jumping out of bed to run and take a class – right?  Oh, I wish!

You want to know my biggest roadblocks – Busyness and sheer lack of discipline!  I get busy in the details of my business, and sometimes lose sight of the fact that I am a better business owner when I take good care of myself!  I have more energy after my workout.  I’m more mentally focused.  I feel more accomplished, and less likely to get weighed down when something doesn’t go right.  So why don’t I make that my every morning routine?  I don’t know!

It’s one of the things I am really trying to examine in my own life!  As we go into the holidays, I have clients actually ramping up their workout schedule!  I LOVE that!  Maybe this is MY opportunity to make a promise to myself that I am going to either teach or take class a minimum of four days a week as well!

How about you – what are some of your excuses?  And what can you do to get past it through the holidays?  Comment and let me know – I’d love to hear your challenges and advice!

Carmel Valley San Diego Community | Amy Mewborn | Community ContributorOriginally from the Midwest, Amy moved to San Diego in 2001. A graduate of Valparaiso University, Amy had been a Financial Advisor since 1997. When Amy began taking Pilates in 2006, she fell in love with the method and benefits of the program and knew she wanted to help others achieve their fitness goals. She studied under Stephanie Aubachon with Kore Pilates in La Jolla to become a Pilates instructor. When Amy found Xtend Barre, she was excited by the results as her body became more toned than through any other workout routine she had tried in the past. It was at that time that she decided to bring this amazing workout to the women of San Diego.  She opened Xtend Barre Carlsbad in 2010 and Xtend Barre Carmel Valley in 2011.  She is also a Certified Sports Nutritionist, and is passionate about helping women live happier, healthier lives through better diet, nutrition, fitness, and community.


Carmel Valley San Diego Community | RIDE Cyclery Encinitas

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