Pay It Forward Day

Carmel Valley San Diego Community | Amy Mewborn | National Pay It Forward DayThe Boston Marathon – a celebration of strength, hard work, accomplishments, sacrifice…  Up until last week when I would think of these events – all I could think of is the word celebration.

And then in a moment – something that I viewed as a celebration became an event of sadness, terror, and hatred.  I don’t understand how any person could have so much hatred for people (they don’t even know) that they are willing to harm or kill them.   I don’t know that I ever will.

There was something  I heard on the radio last Tuesday that just made me cry.  The comic, Patton Oswalt had written a letter about his thoughts on the Boston bombing.  And the crux of it is that in the horror, we often have this immediate feeling of despair.  However, when you look at the footage and hear the stories of that day, you see and hear how many people ran TOWARD the bombs to try to help others.

As a fitness instructor, my job is not just to improve bodies.  It is really to motivate and encourage those I come into contact with.  You can go to any barre class or any fitness studio.  Fit in 60 is about motivating you, encouraging you, and providing you a place of acceptance (no matter the size, color, income bracket).   We are about providing you a place of community – somewhere that you can go and find someone with similarities, as well as differences – and maybe make some new friends along the way.Carmel Valley San Diego Community | Amy Mewborn | Pay It Forward

In the aftermath of the sadness and disbelief of last week’s happenings, it coincidentally happens to be National Pay It Forward day!  What better way to look hatred and evil in the eye and do something to reverse the tide.   So, on Thursday, April 25th, please think about this.  (And who am I kidding – shouldn’t we live like this every day?)  As you are walking around Carmel Valley, look for something you can do to help someone else.  Buy someone a cup of coffee.  Leave a kind note on someone’s car.  Help someone in need.  Take someone to lunch and ask them more about themselves.  Just do SOMETHING that will lift someone up and have an impact.  Let’s change Carmel Valley one nice thing at a time!

Carmel Valley San Diego Community | Amy MewbornOriginally from the Midwest, Amy moved to San Diego in 2001. A graduate of Valparaiso University, Amy had been a Financial Advisor since 1997. When Amy began taking Pilates with her neighbor Wendy, in 2006, she fell in love with the method and benefits of the program and knew she wanted to help others achieve their fitness goals. It was not until Amy took her first barre class that she discovered her true passion for fitness. She loved the challenge and energy of each class. And more importantly, she was excited by the results as her body became more toned than through any other workout routine she had tried in the past. Amy would be one of the best testimonials for Fit in 60 Pilates and Barre. In less than a month’s time, attending 4-5 classes a week, Amy went from a size 10/12 to a size 6. She came home one day and told her husband, Mike that “if every girl knew this, every girl would do it.” Amy is passionate about getting to know her clients and provide modifications and corrections to challenge every client, while making classes as safe as possible. Amy lives in Carlsbad with her husband, Mike, and her dog Emma. She loves what she does, and is thrilled to present the Fit in 60 workout to Carlsbad and Carmel Valley and is eager to help women look and feel great!


Carmel Valley San Diego Community | RIDE Cyclery Encinitas

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