Eight Reasons You are Not Losing Weight

Carmel Valley San Diego Community | Amy Mewborn | Scale and Healthy ChoicesSo often, clients are frustrated by how hard it becomes to lose weight as we get just a little it older.  There are so many factors, but here are eight very common reasons that you may think you are doing all the right things, but still not losing weight.

  1. You are underestimating your calories.  A group of researchers at Louisiana State University studied actual dietitians.  This group of diet DOCTORS underestimated their calorie intake by at least 10%.  This is an educated group of doctors.  Studies show that the average dieter underestimates their calorie intake by between 25-50%.  With an average calorie intake of 1600 calories per day, if you are underestimating by 25-50%, this means 400 to 800 calories per day – this can be over a pound a week!
  2. Hormonal changes as you age.  Mayo Clinic’s studies have shown that as we age, belly fat becomes a bigger challenge for women.  Our hormones change, our metabolism slows down, our activity level decreased, our muscle mass decreases, our metabolism slows down again, and we gain more weight.
  3. You are drinking your calories.  Any time a client is telling me they are struggling with weight loss, I challenge them to keep a food journal.  Most are surprised to find that the wine or champagne they may be drinking over the course of a week could easily be a pound (3500 calories).
  4. You aren’t strength training.  Muscle burns about three times as many calories as fat.  So, as you begin strength training, you may actually gain weight.  But for every pound you gain of muscle – just imagine burning three times more calories!  Muscle also WEIGHS more than fat, so if you are only watching the number on the scale, you are potentially setting yourself up for disappointment – even though you are becoming more toned, fit and small!
  5. You aren’t getting enough aerobic exercise.  Both cardio and resistance workouts are important.  The resistance workouts increase your muscle mass, increasing the calories burned.  Aerobic/cardio exercise actually starts the fire that burns calories.  One of the reasons our Fit in 60 barre classes operate in cardio/resistance intervals is that intervals are shown to increase the number of calories burned for an extended period of time, long after you class is over.
  6. You aren’t eating breakfast.  This isn’t about calories in or calories out as much as it is habits.  If you don’t eat breakfast, a lot of times your blood sugar drops, and then you realize how hungry you are, well after it is too late.  On days I don’t plan appropriately – I walk into the house and literally want to eat whatever I can find first – which is normally high in calories and fat, and not what I would choose had I not been “starving” myself!
  7. Food intolerances.  This is one of my big crusades in life!  We all have food intolerances that cause our bodies to behave differently.  For me, if I cut out all wheat, pasta, and gluten, it can literally mean the difference between 10 pounds in a week’s time.  My body does not respond well to these foods.  It causes my skin to get red and irritated.  My stomach becomes bloated and irritated.  I don’t sleep well.

Fit in 60 Carlsbad and Carmel Valley provide classes designed for a woman’s body – focusing on women’s weight loss, toning, postural improvements, and nutritional programs designed to jump start your body’s metabolism and help women lose weight more quickly!  Please join us at Fit in 60 Pilates and Barre for YOUR fitness needs!
Carmel Valley San Diego Community | Amy MewbornOriginally from the Midwest, Amy moved to San Diego in 2001. A graduate of Valparaiso University, Amy had been a Financial Advisor since 1997. When Amy began taking Pilates with her neighbor Wendy, in 2006, she fell in love with the method and benefits of the program and knew she wanted to help others achieve their fitness goals. It was not until Amy took her first barre class that she discovered her true passion for fitness. She loved the challenge and energy of each class. And more importantly, she was excited by the results as her body became more toned than through any other workout routine she had tried in the past. Amy would be one of the best testimonials for Fit in 60 Pilates and Barre. In less than a month’s time, attending 4-5 classes a week, Amy went from a size 10/12 to a size 6. She came home one day and told her husband, Mike that “if every girl knew this, every girl would do it.” Amy is passionate about getting to know her clients and provide modifications and corrections to challenge every client, while making classes as safe as possible. Amy lives in Carlsbad with her husband, Mike, and her dog Emma. She loves what she does, and is thrilled to present the Fit in 60 workout to Carlsbad and Carmel Valley and is eager to help women look and feel great!


Carmel Valley San Diego Community | RIDE Cyclery Encinitas

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