5 Tips To Increase Motivation & Weight Loss Results
Have you ever started a workout routine on fire – and just literally fizzled right out?
I know – we’ve all been there! I tell the story of how I was going to the gym up to five times a week and STILL gaining weight. It wasn’t that I wasn’t doing anything. It was ultimately that I became too light in my routine. I was bored and unmotivated – so I was going to the gym and “half-assing” it – day in and day out. What I didn’t seem to realize at that time, was with the lackluster intensity of my workout, I probably would have been better off skipping the work out altogether and just getting more sleep.
That doesn’t mean I am telling you to skip the workout. But it does mean that without motivation – you’re really never going to achieve your goal.
Here’s five of our simplest tips to increase motivation and ultimately your weight loss results.
- Take a before photo! With our Fit in 60 Fast Fat Blast, we ask clients to take before photos. They are often shy and don’t want to do it, or share them. Even if no one ever sees them but you, it is helpful to know where you started. When you are losing weight a pound at a time, you often don’t notice the changes until you look back at before photos! You may want to take some photos each month or so as well, just to see the progress you are making. You’re a lot more likely to stick with something if you see results.
- Pick a Partner! If you have some one that you are committing to be accountable to, you are more likely to stick with it. They are there to schedule a joint work out. Or maybe they are just there to check in with you and see how you are doing. Almost no matter what their function is – studies show that you can be up to 80% more successful just by having an accountability buddy!
Know your schedule and your best work out time! If you are not a morning person, don’t schedule a 5 am work out. You may start out on track, but after a short period of time, the motivation wanes, and you just fall off the wagon altogether. If you are best after work – schedule your work out on the drive home, so you don’t get distracted and find a reason to not work out. No matter what YOUR best time is – just pick it, schedule it, and commit to it!
- Get some great work out clothes. I know work out clothes can be expensive. But now with lines like Champion at Target – you can find awesome tanks and pants for under $20 per piece. But if you feel good in your workout clothes, you want to keep going! And as you lose weight and your clothes get baggy – you have something to compare it to, AND you get to go buy more fun, workout clothes!
- Reward yourself! We often set these HUGE weight loss goals – like I want to lose 25 pounds. You are more likely to feel successful if you set smaller goals and keep moving the carrot a little farther away. Set 5 pound weight loss goals. And each time you achieve one of these small goals – celebrate it! It can be a manicure or pedicure. It could be a new sports bra. It could be setting aside some money for that vacation you really want to take! But CELEBRATE it! We spend so much time beating ourselves up over what we DON’T do that we just don’t celebrate our successes often enough.
These five small tips will make a HUGE difference in your long term motivation and weight loss success!
Good luck! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!
Originally from the Midwest, Amy moved to San Diego in 2001. A graduate of Valparaiso University, Amy had been a Financial Advisor since 1997. When Amy began taking Pilates with her neighbor Wendy, in 2006, she fell in love with the method and benefits of the program and knew she wanted to help others achieve their fitness goals. It was not until Amy took her first barre class that she discovered her true passion for fitness. She loved the challenge and energy of each class. And more importantly, she was excited by the results as her body became more toned than through any other workout routine she had tried in the past. Amy would be one of the best testimonials for Fit in 60 Pilates and Barre. In less than a month’s time, attending 4-5 classes a week, Amy went from a size 10/12 to a size 6. She came home one day and told her husband, Mike that “if every girl knew this, every girl would do it.” Amy is passionate about getting to know her clients and provide modifications and corrections to challenge every client, while making classes as safe as possible. Amy lives in Carlsbad with her husband, Mike, and her dog Emma. She loves what she does, and is thrilled to present the Fit in 60 workout to Carlsbad and Carmel Valley and is eager to help women look and feel great!
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