In teaching private piano lessons for the past 10 years, I have observed that all students start piano lessons with enthusiasm and much excitement. However over time, some students struggle with their practice and progress, and lose their excitement and motivation. During this stage, parents often come to me distressed over the battle they are facing with their child about personal practice at home. I would like to share some encouraging ways that parents can help motivate their children to thrive and succeed in their private piano lessons (or any instrument).
Talk to your student’s teacher about having them participate in recitals, local festivals, competitions, and Certificate of Merit. These events give students a goal to work towards, they help motivate students to prepare and practice in ways they would never do on their own, and they give them a great feeling of accomplishment.
Your financial investment in your child’s music lessons, pays its dividends through the skills they acquire throughout the years. You are giving your child a music education that will fuel their artistic side, allow them to express creativity, and give them a sense of pride in their accomplishments. Don’t expect your child to be grateful for your sacrifices now. Their gratitude will come years later when they can play and enjoy music as an adult. Remember to express to your child how proud you are of their achievements, even when they are small ones. I have seen many of my students thrive and succeed in music because of the great support they received from their parents at home.
Angelina Hardy is a Private Piano Teacher in the Carmel Valley area. She graduated from Point Loma Nazarene University with a Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance. She is a member of Music Teacher Association of California and currently serves on their board of directors in the San Diego chapter. Angelina is married to her husband, Jason Hardy, who is one of the Lead Pastors at Wave Church SD (a new church in Carmel Valley). They both love their jobs and love serving the Carmel Valley community and the amazing people that live here. They have two toddler boys whom they absolutely adore!
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