Nika Water- End Poverty, Save Lives

Nika Water is named for the Zulu word “to give” and the company does exactly that.  After reading about the millions of people worldwide who are suffering from various water related diseases, as a result of a lack of clean water and sanitation, founders Jeffrey Church and Michael Stone decided it was time to do something about this terrible problem.  Together, they founded Nika Water, which works hard to bring a voice to all of those affected by the inability to access clean water or simple sanitation.  In fact, 100% of Nika’s premium bottled water profits go directly towards funding clean water projects in impoverished countries, such as Kenya, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, and this coming summer, in Brazil.  Not only does Nika Water work with these countries to bring clean, running water into these communities, they are also heavily involved in other projects, such as funding the building of a school in Kenya, in order to help community members improve their lives, as well as end the cycle of poverty.  Please continue reading below…

Nika Water strives to not only help give back to the community, but also give back to Mother Nature by trying to protect the environment in which they inhabit.  For every 98 bottles that they sell, a tree is planted in Nicaragua to help offset the carbon footprint of that batch.  In addition, every bottle is made entirely from previously recycled beverage containers, further ensuring Nika Water remains an eco-friendly water bottle.

Carmel Valley residents can purchase Nika Water from grocery stores such as Jimbo’s, as well as the Carmel Valley Market located on Carmel Valley Road and other stores located throughout the San Diego County.  We can all do our part by simply purchasing Nika Water bottles and helping bring clean water to all.  To learn more about Nika Water’s efforts, visit or visit their Facebook page


Carmel Valley San Diego Community | David A Moya | Founder

David A. Moya is a Carmel Valley San Diego community contributor and influencer for positive change.  As founder of The Carmel Valley Life he focuses on education, transparency and helping others find a voice for their passion.  During his earlier years, he fed his entrepreneurial spirit and founded a company focused on helping kids committed to peak performance.  David went on to pay for his BA in Finance through his real estate business and after graduating flew more than 30 flights to over 10 countries in order to master the art of communication and business.  Today, he enjoys creating value for his community by leading a movement of responsibility – one of sharing knowledge, stories and a helping hand.


Carmel Valley San Diego Community | RIDE Cyclery Encinitas

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